Here are some pictures that I took with my good camera about a month and a half ago right around the time of Jackson's first birthday. Unfortunately they are all in the same clothes, just in 10,000 different poses. Enjoy.
This is just a smattering of pictures over the last couple of months. They were all taken on our point-and-shoot camera and most of them are not "fixed." Forgive me if they do not look professional. :-)
On the back deck next to one of the wood piles
With cousins Cassie and Haley
Jackson got into a kick pushing a chair around the house
He loves to hear and watch me play the guitar
This is a very famous tree in Virginia because of who is associated with it. Robert E. Lee did a lot of correspondence while staying in the adjacent house during the Civil War.
Well, I hadn't been hounding y'all for pictures, but it's nice to see some! :) I think my favorites are the watching football and the bath ones. He's definitely a cutie!! Looking forward to seeing you all at Christmas!