But first let me show you a couple of pictures we took in Indiana before we got the girls. I took these myself with a remote. You can probably see it in my hand if you look close enough. We really didn't get very good pictures for two reasons. #1 was the wind, and #2 was the fact that there was nobody else there to get Jackson's attention toward the camera. These were among the very few where he was actually looking slightly in the right direction. It was actually quite frustrating, but we made it work.

I thought the next two shots were great. They were just candid shots that I took as I was trying to get the camera set up in the right place for our family picture. They look so relaxed and natural together. They're both just absolutely beautiful!
These are some pictures I took of Jackson with my little point-and-shoot camera. He was in a really good mood (as usual).
Here are "the Girls," as Becka likes to call them.
Here are a few pictures from our trip up to Indiana for the Preaching Conference.
The next few pictures are Jackson's idea of travelling.
He was much better than I thought he was gonna be. In all honesty, as much as we are in the car running here and there for church and visitation, etc., he is a really good kid. Always a smile even when he is dead tired, and only cries when he's starving. God gave us a wondeful blessing in this little boy. He acts much more mature than his short little 7 and half month life.
I thought, what in the world? Did they actually adopt two girls? Funny.
ReplyDeleteAndrea Speckhals