The auditorium with the mountains in the clouds in the background
We took the teens again this year to Northwestern Virginia for our annual summer camp. Last year was the first year we did camp by ourselves (just our church). It is absolutely wonderful doing it that way. We have so much more control over situations and over what is preached, and the kids in our own youth group bond together. This camp is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains not too far off of the the Blue Ridge Parkway.
We heard some great preaching from Pastor Brothers, Bro. John Mark, and the main camp speaker, Tim Trieber (son of Jack Trieber out of North Valley Baptist Church and Golden State Baptist College - Tim is the Youth Pastor there.) There were a lot of good decisions made, and we are already looking forward to next year.
Here are some pictures of the whole place. We got a quite a bit of rain so it stayed foggy most of the time, which made it hard for good pictures. It is hard to give you a 360 degree look at everything and its really hard to show you the magnitude of the whole place, but I tried. I stayed in the cabin with Charlie Schenck, Wes Smith and the guys. Becka "had" to stay in the chalet because staying in the cabin would have been tough on her in her condition (pregnant).
I am having trouble putting all of the pictures on so I will add them as they let me.
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