He really is a good baby. Hardly cries at all.

Daddy got the wonderful job of first diaper change. Something like riding a bicycle when you have 9 brothers and sisters younger than you.

You can never have enough pictures of you and your boy!

Still holding him and happy!

Holding Jackson for a few hours so Becka can get some rest

Proud Daddy

Very Happy

Loving Mother

Great Grandma Intagliata

Grandmama Brothers

Grandaddy Brothers

Uncle Jason Brothers - Mark this one in the record book - this may be the first time ever holding a baby!

Aunt Jessica Brothers
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have called and sent texts. I try to answer them all, but sometimes it gets so busy in the hospital here that I cannot. It makes it hard, too, that I really don't get service in the room. We both wanted to have Jackson in the room with us as much as possible instead of in the nursery so I have gotten to hold him for hours on end while Becka was and is trying to catch up on some very much needed sleep. I was glad to do it. There is nothing like having your own son.
Here are some more picures from later on in his first full day of life on earth.
Thank you again for your prayers and for your care for us. We really do appreciate it and we really thank you!