Running at the track with Daddy - 5 days old
Daddy and Jackson
Daddy and Jackson again
Amazed by Grandpa Boots
Amazed by Grandpa Boots
His eyes are getting bluer by the day
Daddy heloping with feeding - a full-time job
Great Grandma and Grandpa
With Grandpa Boots after a run
Grandma Boots and Uncle Tom
His favorite place to sleep - right on Daddy's chest. Works every time!
Bilirubin light he had to wear to help with jaundice
Glowing like a blueberry
Big Hug!
Aunt Tracy - Becka's older sister
Aunt Katie - my youngest sister - 7 years old
I think the title says it all. Not only have I been taking all kinds of pictures, but so has Becka and my grandparents and and my mom, and everyone else who can manage to get in the door with a camera. I don't mind at all. I love potography, but the poor kid is probably gonna grow up with permanent flash spots in his eyes.